Leading Women of StoneWorks Highlighted in Hilton Head Monthly Magazine

Q. The leading ladies of sales and design at StoneWorks are helping put the FAB in fabrication and design for dream homes throughout our market. To what do you attribute your success?
A. (All) It’s our unbeatable customer service.
(Diane Heim) Most of our customers come back and they quickly refer us to their friends and family.
(Barbara Williams) Our customer service is always at the forefront. We just do what it takes day or night focusing on intricate details while communicating with many different people who are part of the process that leads to a beautiful, completed project.
Q. How hard is it to meet those constantly high expectations that have been set after so many years in business?
A. (Martha Moore) Ultimately, we want to stay on top of our game. I learn every day about products – you have to so you can pass that on to your customer. Being accessible with good follow up is crucial.
Q. What are some lessons you've learned during your career?
A. (Kelly Young) I’ve been at StoneWorks over 13 years. Every day there’s something new to learn. There is always something that I don’t know. It’s important to be open and work together as a team. Everybody here is knowledgeable about something that I may not be!
A. (Shannon Urriola) I’ve been a part of the StoneWorks team since 1998. I stay focused and I’m dedicated to my job. You have to be to cover all the details and it’s my livelihood. More importantly, this is my family’s business. I will always strive be fully invested for my family and for the success of what we do.